The Dreammachine VSTi ‘Just playing by itself’ – a fan video by Dimitri Schkoda have fun HG Fortune Yazar:HGF-SynthesizerEtiketler:HGFortune Dreammachine VSTi Synthesizer Softsynths STS-33 Anvilia Cubase Gönderim:08 Қыркүйек 2008İzlenme oranı:5.0Oylar:1…
Tags: -, &, 2, 2008, 2008İzlenme, 5, An, Anvilia, As, Cubase, De, DREAM, Fl, Fun, HGFortune, Hi, In, La, Le, M, Mac, Mma, Of, OR, Se, Softsynth, Synth, SYNTHE, Synthesizer, The, Tr, Ty, Ve, Video, Vst, Vsti, Wave
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